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PRO-ORG Mid-term report

In the first half of the project, there were some delays in performing some activities. Most of them were small delays with very limited consequences on the achievement of the expected results, and that will not jeopardize the achievement of those set for the second part of the project. The main delay was in the finalization of the Consortium Agreement. ProOrg is a Consortium composed of a high number of partners. Each Partner institution/organization has its own administrations with different rules. Therefore, the negotiation took more time than expected. Anyway, the delay in the finalization did not have consequences on the progress of the project, because Partners were able to start their activities in time anyway.

PRO-ORG Final report

The ProOrg Consortium was composed of 15 partners from 8 European countries, with a balanced geographical distribution.
The project was based on a participatory approach with a direct involvement of organic food processors and other stakeholders that contributed to the development of the CoP and participated throughout the duration of the project.
The Code of Practice for organic food processors is composed of three parts: the “Management Guideline for organic food processors”, the “Assessment Framework for the evaluation of the organic food processing”, and the “Guidelines for consumer communication”.

Recommendations from a market perspective for the development of a Code of Practice for organic food processors (Deliverable 5.3)
Author: Toralf Richter, FiBL (Switzerland)

A comprehensive literature review was conducted and an Organic Market and Stakeholder Survey (OMSS) was designed as part of the "ProOrg" project (Richter et al., 2021).
As target groups of the OMSS processors, experts from different scientific disciplines, traders, labelling organizations and other relevant stakeholders have been addressed, as well as individual companies has been approached and invited to participate in the OMSS.
The paper presents a synthesis of the results from the literature and market review as well as the OMSS and provides recommendations to the elaboration of the Code of Practice.

Case study : Biscuit
Author: French network RMT Actia Transfobio

This case study deals with chocolate-filled biscuit processing. This is a practical case study based on industrial data obtained with the help of a French biscuit manufacturing company.

The main objective of this study is to test the implementation of the multi-criteria assessment methodology of the European project ProOrg on organic chocolate-filled biscuit manufacturing processes, in an industrial environment. How can the multi-criteria assessment methodology defined by the ProOrg project evaluate processes to produce chocolate-filled biscuits?
Two existing industrial processes were compared and assessed, which led to constraints in data collection and application of the multi-criteria assessment methodology.

Case study : Yoghurt
Author: French network RMT Actia Transfobio

Dairy products are hugely consumed in Europe. In France, the nutritional health plan recommends eating at least one dairy a day and especially milk or yoghourt (PNNS 2019-2023). In France, the national regulation constrains the yoghurt process: milk have to be thermally treated before inoculation (min 63°C/30 min or 71,5°C/15s i.e. pasteurization).
This case study deals with yoghourt processing and comes from a first assessment made in the broad of the French network RMT Actia Transfobio. This is a theorical case study based on scientific and technical literature and expert’s quotes. We warmly thank Actalia for their work on this case.
The scope of this assessment is focused on heating process and more specifically on 2 thermal scales.

Results of an Organic Market and Stakeholder Survey about methods in processing of organic food
Author: Toralf Richter, Ivonne Kampermann, Carola Strassner, Lisa Borghoff

​The report provides a contribution to the development of the Code of Practice from a market actors and other stakeholders perspective about the acceptance of relevant methods in organic food processing. Together with the results of different consumer surveys as part of ProOrg it complements the information basis of European organic food processors.

Assessment table

This sheet summarizes the main information linked to the studied product and processes.

D3.3 Group discussion questionnaire

Substep 1.1. consisted of the following tasks:

1. Choosing a processed organic product for which to perform the assessment

2. Listing processing steps of the existing processing method for the selected product 3. Listing inputs and outputs of the existing processing method

4. Choosing an alternative processing method for the selected product

5. Listing processing steps of the alternative processing method for the selected product

6. Listing inputs and outputs of the alternative processing method

7. Identifying reference raw materials

Protocol for an assessment of quality of processed organic food products
Author: Andrijana Horvat

The protocol for an assessment of quality of organic food products affected by product processing guides users through the three main phases of the assessment process, which is in more detail described in the AF (see figure 1). Possible aims of assessment are depicted in figure 2. This document is not substituting the AF but complementing it by giving a step-bystep-approach that strictly follows the steps explained in the AF. Therefore, the protocol should be used alongside the AF. In the end of this process you should be able to compare and decide which processing method is more in line with organic principles and/or to what extent the quality of the processed product differs from raw materials for an organic food product of your choice.

ProOrg Work package 3 (WP3) | Deliverable 3.1
Author: Adrijana Horvat, Martijntje Vollebregt & Ruud Verkerk (Wageningen University & Research)

The majority of organic food products on the market are processed products (van den Berg, 2019). However, some of these products undertake extensive processing (e.g., highly processed products such as sterilized milk, chocolate, cookies). According to the Regulation (EU) 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products, organic food production needs to follow high production standards. More specifically, “processed organic products should be produced using processing methods, which guarantee that the organic characteristics and qualities of the products are maintained through all stages of organic production” ((EU) 2018/848). Moreover, organic processing should combine practices that preserve natural resources and have little impact on environment and climate.

Activity of UMR SQPOV in WP3: second year

The objective of the study carried out in 2019-2020 was to evaluate on real products, i.e. apple purees, the effect of cultivar, management system and processing conditions on viscosity, color, content and composition of polysaccharides, phenolics and volatile compounds. This study also allowed to choose the best and softest processing conditions, to limit the additives but in the same time to maintain the nutritional and organoleptic qualities of the fresh fruits.

Organic processing assessment postworkshop 1 survey

This survey consists of 4 sections:

1. General questions

2. Establishing the context

3. Assessment

4. Overall evaluation

ProOrg Work package 3 (WP3) | Deliverable 3.2

The Assessment framework represents a generic guideline and sets the minimal requirements for the assessment of processing technologies in the context of organic food processing. The main objective of the Assessment Framework is to provide guidance on how to assess quality of organic food as affected by processing technology. It further provides guidance on how to compare different processing technologies and raw materials. In the Assessment framework, organic food quality is defined through specific aspects. For the assessment of organic food processing, three aspects are considered: environmental sustainability, nutritional quality and sensory quality.

Author: Roberto Pinton

Our intention was to investigate some aspects and opinions of European organic companies during 2020 and 2021, both through online questionnaires and with direct interviews during the Biofach exhibition in Nuremberg (DE), the European Organic Congress (DE) and of the Organic World Congress of Rennes (FR). The difficulties and uncertainties associated with Covid, with the events held online and not in physical form, forced us to fall back on an exclusively online survey, followed by some detailed email/phone interviews

Dissemination Plan
Author: Christophe Cotillon and Flavio Paoletti

The objective of this Dissemination Plan is to identify and organize the dissemination channels to utilize and the related activities to be performed within ProOrg project. The aim is to promote and spread information about goals, activities, and results of the project as well as to incite the relevant communities to provide feedback, communicate their requirements, and adapt their activities.


This document includes what has already been generated since the start of the project, and provides an outline of what is planned for dissemination and communication until the end of the project.


Dissemination of the scientific results will be done through publication in scientific journals and presentations at scientific conferences and is not part of this document

PRO-ORG Work Package 5 report
Author: Lisa Borghoff, Carola Strassner, Toralf Richter
With contributions from Nina Faiß, Lisa Hömmken and Damian Winter

This report provides a basis for the B2B market survey conducted by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). The development of the Code of Practice is part of WP2 under lead of the Association of Organic Food Processors (AOeL). The case studies in WP3 are conducted by the project partners from Wageningen University & Research (WUR). The assessment framework for estimating technologies is part of WP3 and conducted by FiBL. The project ProOrg also includes the consumer perspective on organic food processing and the communication between processors and consumers. This work is part of WP6 under lead of the Thünen Institute and subsequently Kassel University.

Report on the role of cognition and emotion
Author: Fiorella Sinesio, Anna Saba, Elisabetta Moneta, Marina Peparaio, Eleonora Saggia Civitelli, Flavio Paoletti (CREA, Italy)

The main purpose of the Task 6.3 was to assess the importance that consumers attach to different processed products and related attributes. The study was designed to identify features and claims, that can influence consumer perception of processed organic products and concepts/meanings attributed to a “careful processing”, as well as findings best ways to communicate food processing.

Summarising report on acceptance of different technologies and recommandation for communication
Author: Ronja Hüppe, Katrin Zander (University of Kassel, Germany)

The ProOrg’ work package on “consumer acceptance, preferences, and communication” consisted of five main tasks to investigate consumer behaviour related to organic food processing:

• Task 6.1. Qualitative and explorative investigation of consumer knowledge and preferences of selected food processing technologies and trade-offs between different organic food attributes.

• Task 6.2. Assess consumer acceptance and preferences in a quantitative research step.

• Task 6.3. Analysis of the role of cognition and emotions in decision making for careful processed organic food.

• Task 6.4. Understanding of food processing quality by experts of the dairy industry and consumers

• Task 6.5. Summary of results of WP6, including communication recommendations.


The following chapters give a summarizing overview over the results and discussion and some overall conclusions. More detailed results can be derived from the links which are found below each of the five results sections.

Indagine qualitativa sulla comunicazione al consumatore delle caratteristiche sensoriali nelle etichette degli alimenti trasformati
Author: Laura de Felice

This qualitative survey on communication to consumers of
sensory characteristics in the labels of processed foods, was conducted by Laura de Felice as part of her studies. It is presented in Italian.

Master thesis : Handlungsempfehlungen zur Optimierung der "Management Guideline for Organic Food Processors" mittels Experteninterviews mit Verantwortlichen ökologisch orientierter Lebensmittelverarbeitungsunternehmen aus Deutschland
Master thesis : Novel organic food processing regulations through interaction of SDGs and recommended healthy and sustainable dietary approaches for healthy and sustainable food systems
Author: Sharon Shirani (University of Kassel, Germany)

This Master thesis has been published in 2020.

Press article : Trasformazione dei prodotti bio, le buone pratiche da conoscere
Author: Flavio Paoletti (CREA, Italy)

This article (in Italian) has been published in the April 2021 edition of the Terra e Vita magazin.

Welche Verarbeitungsmethoden passen?
Author: Lisa Marie Borghoff (FH Münster, Germany)

This article (in German) has been published in the February 2021 edition of the bioland trade magazin that is available now . More information about our research on processed organic foods will be available soon in our report from ProOrg WP5.

Annual report of Pro Org
Author: Flavio Paoletti

First annual report (June 2019)

Paper: Das Pro-Org projekt - Code of practice für optimierte Bio-Lebensmittelqualität in der Verarbeitung
Author: Alexander Beck, Johanna Stumpner (AöL), Matthias Meier (Berner Fachhochscule), Caroline Ebner (FiBL), Pia Uthe (BLQ GmBH)

CORE-Organic Cofund, ein ERA-NET Programm, fördert für den Zeitraum 2018-2021 das Projekt "Code of practice for organic processors" (Pro-Org).

Master thesis : Anwendung und Evaluation eines Bewertungssystem-Prototyps zur Vergleichbarkeit technologischer Verarbeitungsverfahren von Bio-Lebensmittelverarbeitungsunternehmen anhand zweier Getreidevermahlungsverfahren eines Bio-Bäckereibetriebs
Author: Pia Uthe (FH Münster and in collaboration with AOL, Germany)

Because of the lack of requirements for the use of processing methods in EU organic legislation, organic food processing companies often lack the basis for selecting processing methods that are highly compliant with EU organic principles. The ProOrg-project has developed a prototype of an assessment framework that can be used to evaluate and compare processing methods with regard to their conformity with EU organic principles in order to support organic food processing companies in their decision-making. The objective of this work is to apply and evaluate this prototype in cooperation with the bakery X and finally to formulate recommendations for further development of the prototype.

Master thesis : Consumer Attitudes towards Processed Organic Food
Author: Karlotta Koch (FiBL, Switzerland)

The aim of this study is to identify consumer attitudes towards processed organic food. Since the organic concept builds on the principle of care and careful processing is considered one of the main aspects that determine market success of organic food, this study, first, identifies consumer expectations of carefully processed food. Then, this research investigates consumer attitudes towards processed organic food.

Consumer acceptance, preferences and communication - Report on the outcome of the quantitative consumer survey (D6.2)
Authors: Claudia Meier, Hanna Stolz and Karlotta Koch (FiBL, Switzerland)

The aim of the consumer study was to investigate organic consumers‘ acceptance of processing methods for organic food and if careful processing may be a – from the perspective of organic consumers – suitable concept for the development of the assessment framework.

Consumer acceptance, preferences and communication - Report on the outcome of the focus group discussions (D6.1)
Authors: Ronja Hüppe, Dr. Katrin Zander (Thünen Institute of Market Analysis, Braunschweig, Germany)

The outcomes of the focus groups provided first insights into consumers’ current state of knowledge and preferences regarding processing technologies for organic products. No matter which technology was discussed, participants always had various and often contradicting opinions.

Discussion paper: Assessment Criteria for Processing
Technologies Based on EU Regulation 2018/848
Authors: Alexander Beck (AöL e. V., Germany), Ursula Kretzschmar (FiBL, Switzerland), Flavio Paoletti (CREA, Italy), Rodolphe Vidal (ITAB, France)

The objective of this discussion paper is to provide
clear criteria to assess food processing technologies,
based on the legal requirements for organic
food processing.


This discussion paper is available in English, French, Italian and German.

Poster: A step-by-step comparison of Gouda cheese in artisanal and industrial production considering the organic guidelines during the production process
Authors: Caroline Barth and Anna Lopopolo, Münster University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

A ProOrg project about the processing of cheese.

Master thesis : Handlungsempfehlungen zur Optimierung der "Management Guideline for Organic Food Processors" mittels Experteninterviews mit Verantwortlichen ökologisch orientierter Lebensmittelverarbeitungsunternehmen aus Deutschland
Author: Caroline Ebner (Germany)

This Master thesis (in German) has been published in 2020.

Master thesis : Novel organic food processing regulations through interaction of SDGs and recommended healthy and sustainable dietary approaches for healthy and sustainable food systems
Author: Sharon Shirani (University of Kassel, Germany)

This Master thesis has been published in 2020.

Press article : Trasformazione dei prodotti bio, le buone pratiche da conoscere
Author: Flavio Paoletti (CREA, Italy)

This article (in Italian) has been published in the April 2021 edition of the Terra e Vita magazin.

Welche Verarbeitungsmethoden passen?
Author: Lisa Marie Borghoff (FH Münster, Germany)

This article (in German) has been published in the February 2021 edition of the Bioland trade magazin that is available now . More information about our research on processed organic foods will be available soon in our report from ProOrg WP5.

Annual report of Pro Org
Author: Flavio Paoletti

First annual report (June 2019)


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